tUX Microsite Program Courses 01.2025
CAT NOTE: Template will be published for site review. Once site review is completed (usually during the “Vet Issues” task), please unpublish templates. If there are DEV tickets using this template as an example, please provide the public preview links. Remove RB from templates after unpublishing the templates.
CAT NOTE: Check if the “Normalize Heading Sizes” Feature Flag is turned on in the theme settings for the template site. DO NOT ADJUST THE TOGGLE SETTINGS (FOR DEV ONLY). If your site does not have this turned on, update headers to include classes, as needed. Remove this RB from templates after updating (usually during “Final Site Prep” task before upload).
CAT NOTE: This template should be used for any new or existing tUX sites, unless the partner uses custom templates per CH. Confirm no updates are needed to this template by comparing against the template site before cloning. [If this page isn’t in the sitemap of the Matrix for, delete the page during “Final Site Prep”. If this page is needed, remove this underlined portion of the note]. Delete note after reading.
CAT NOTES (Right Rail):
- URL should be /courses/. Shouldn’t need to be adjusted unless there is a nomenclature change.
- Template selected should be “Default template.”
- Select the “Parent Program.” The parent program’s overview page must be published in order for it to appear in the list.
- “Freya Embed Form” should have the Freya form and “All Programs” selected.
- Add “Custom Page Heading” for H1.
- Program Title should remain “Courses” as this impacts the subnav (should appear after Overview, if specializations are not included) and breadcrumbs.
- Delete notes after reading.
CAT NOTE: Course Listing block. Delete note after reading.
Curriculum Details
- XX–XX of courses
- XX–XX of credits
- XX of field experience hours (if applicable)
- Course duration
CAT NOTE: List above should be large font size. If caps are desired, use u-caps class for ADA. Delete note after reading.
Content uses the default font size.
[Course Group A]
This course deals with strategies and decisions as they relate to managing the marketing process. Topics include opportunity analysis, segmentation and positioning strategies, marketing strategies and the marketing mix – within the context of social, economic, competitive, and legal environments. Information management is utilized to develop marketing strategies and tactics.
[Course Group B]
This course deals with strategies and decisions as they relate to managing the marketing process. Topics include opportunity analysis, segmentation and positioning strategies, marketing strategies and the marketing mix – within the context of social, economic, competitive, and legal environments. Information management is utilized to develop marketing strategies and tactics.
CAT NOTE: Reusable RFI block below. Do not delete or remove this RB. Delete note after reading.
Request More Information
Complete this form to receive information about coursework, admissions, tuition, and more.
CAT Note: Reusable block copy might need small adjustments to align with partner guidelines/style. Please refer to GC. If the RFI copy is completely rewritten loop in Allyson Priano. If no content is included, leave content above as is. Delete note about reading/applying change, if necessary.
CAT Note: If working on an international partner, RFI heading might need to be adjusted to sentence case. Confirm with Brand that this is the case before adjusting. Delete note about reading/applying change, if necessary. Delete note about reading/applying change, if necessary.
CAT NOTE: One Column component with “White” background color. If no disclaimer(s), One Column component can be removed. Adjust heading as necessary to fit partner’s nomenclature and the content provided (ex: plural vs singular). Delete note after reading.
Disclaimers (standard heading), H2 Header w/ h3 class
*example disclaimer.
CAT NOTE: Disclaimers on the site are small sized copy and italicized. Delete note after reading.
CAT NOTE: Use variables in “Seo Title” and “Meta description” if you can. Delete note after reading.
CAT NOTE: Tealium Settings should inherit parent overview page tealium settings. Confirm this is functioning correctly on the frontend. DO NOT check the “Enable Field(s) checkbox. Delete note after reading.