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CAT NOTE: This template should be used for any new or existing tUX sites. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: In the right rail, “Freya – Chariot” should have the form selected and ‘All Programs’ and “Hide Page Title” should be toggled to ‘Yes.’ Other fields in the “Page” right rail will remain as is. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: URL shouldn’t need to be adjusted unless there is a nomenclature change. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: Update component colors based on notes and best judgement. Create consistency across the site when possible (ex: Quote block). Design will provide recommendations during their review, if needed. Remove RB from templates after updating (usually during “Template Setup” task before upload).

CAT NOTE: Check if the “Normalize Heading Sizes” Feature Flag is turned on in the theme settings for the template site. DO NOT ADJUST THE TOGGLE SETTINGS (FOR DEV ONLY). If your site does not have this turned on, update headers to include classes as needed. Remove RB from templates after updating (usually during “Template Setup” task before upload).

CAT NOTE: Hero B component. Focus image and add overlay, as needed. Delete note after reading.

Image Placeholder

H1 Header (flexible heading)

CAT NOTE: Fact links and icons below are standard. Remove FAQ fact if LTO-Standard Launch and keep if LTO-Expanded Launch. Facts have “Small grid” toggled on. Delete note after reading.

Request More Information

CAT Note: Reusable block copy might need small adjustments to align with partner guidelines/style. Please refer to GC. If the RFI copy is completely rewritten loop in Allyson Priano. If no content is included, leave content below as is. Delete note about reading/applying change, if necessary.

CAT Note: If working on an international partner, RFI heading might need to be adjusted to sentence case. Confirm with Brand that this is the case before adjusting. Heading is a H2 w/ h3 class. Delete note about reading/applying change, if necessary.

Complete this form to receive information about coursework, admissions, tuition, and more.

CAT NOTE: Two Column component with a 50/50 layout and “White” background color. Column layout can be adjusted, if needed to fit content better. Delete note after reading.

Intro (flexible heading), H2 header

Content uses the default font size.

CAT NOTE: There could be an opportunity to turn this section and/or table below into a reusable block, as this information might be displayed on programmatic pages too. Delete note after reading and determining course of action.

Key Admission Dates (standard heading), H2 header

Content uses the default font size.

CAT NOTE: When adding rows, you’ll need to manually code the <th> tags for the first column. This will automatically cause the bolded appearance. Delete note after reading.

Table Heading TextTable uses the default font size.
Table Heading TextTable uses the default font size.

CAT NOTE: One Column component with a bold background color. Delete note after reading.

How to Apply (standard heading), H2 header

[Option 1] CAT NOTE: Use cards below if we’re listing out steps. Keep outlined icons as is. Max of 4 cards. If only listing 3 steps, can list in one row. Rows are using ‘Stretch’ box alignment. Delete note after reading.

H3 Header w/ h4 class (flexible heading)

H3 Header w/ h4 class (flexible heading)

H3 Header w/ h4 class (flexible heading)

H3 Header w/ h4 class (flexible heading)

[Option 2] CAT NOTE: Use accordion cards below if we’re listing out steps plus an accompanying blurb. If topic name is short you may be able to use 4 accordions in a row max. If not, stick to our usual standard rows of 2 or 3. Remove option not used and delete note after reading.

Content uses the regular font size.

Content uses the regular font size.

Content uses the regular font size.

Content uses the regular font size.

CAT NOTE: One Column with “Remove Top Spacing” toggled on and same bold background color as section above. This section is for LTO-Expanded Launch only. Delete if LTO-Standard Launch. Button and screen reader wording are standard–do not change. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: One Column component with “Remove bottom spacing” toggled on and the same background color as the tabs section below. Delete note after reading.

Intro/Student Pathways (flexible heading), H2 header

Content uses the regular font size.

CAT NOTE: Card tab icons and names are standard and should not change; however, depending on the site, some tabs might be excluded or added. If no heading is provided in GC, use tab name. Use “Extended Tab Layout” function if more than 3 tabs are included. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: The addition of an image is optional. If we use Option 2 we’ll need images that work for each tab provided. If no image is provided or if the image provided doesn’t apply to the tabs, proceed with the default Option 1. Remove option not used and delete note after reading.

[Option 1] Transfer Students (flexible heading), H3 header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Unordered list item. Content uses the regular font size.
  • Content uses the regular font size.
  • Content uses the regular font size.
Image Placeholder

[Option 2] Transfer Students (flexible heading), H3 header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Unordered list item. Content uses the regular font size
  • Content uses the regular font size

“[Optional] quote. Must include quotation marks. Remove block if component is not used.”

Person, Upload this content as sentence case

[Option 1] Military Affiliated Students (flexible heading), H3 header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Unordered list item. Content uses the regular font size.
  • Content uses the regular font size.
  • Content uses the regular font size.
Image Placeholder

[Option 2] Military Affiliated Students (flexible heading), H3 header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Unordered list item. Content uses the regular font size
  • Content uses the regular font size

“[Optional] quote. Must include quotation marks. Remove block if component is not used.”

Person, Upload this content as sentence case

CAT NOTE: Used with either option. Button wording below is standard–do not change. URL hyperlinked will either be the military page we create or the military page on the partner’s existing site. If such page does not exist, button can be deleted. Delete note after reading.

Military Support

[Option 1] International Students (flexible heading), H3 header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Unordered list item. Content uses the regular font size.
  • Content uses the regular font size.
  • Content uses the regular font size.
Image Placeholder

[Option 2] International Students (flexible heading), H3 header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Unordered list item. Content uses the regular font size
  • Content uses the regular font size

“[Optional] quote. Must include quotation marks. Remove block if component is not used.”

Person, Upload this content as sentence case

[Option 1] Additional Tab (flexible heading), H3 header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Unordered list item. Content uses the regular font size.
  • Content uses the regular font size.
  • Content uses the regular font size.
Image Placeholder

[Option 2] Additional Tab (flexible heading), H3 header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Unordered list item. Content uses the regular font size.
  • Content uses the regular font size

“[Optional] quote. Must include quotation marks. Remove block if component is not used.”

Person, Upload this content as sentence case
Badge Placeholder

“[Optional] quote & image. Must include quotation marks. Try to make quote background colors consistent across site and/or page type, if possible. Remove block if component is not used.”

– Person, Upload this content as sentence case

CAT NOTE: Two Column component with “Boxed” layout and a bold background color. Two Column layout can be switched from the “Boxed” to 65/35, if needed, to fit the content better. Button wording is standard–do not change. Delete note after reading.

Find Your Program (standard heading), H2 header w/ h3 class

Content uses the default font size.

Explore Programs

Reusable Block: Financial Aid (flexible heading), H3 Header

RB: Content uses the default font size.

CAT NOTE: Secondary button wording is standard and should link to Brand tuition page. Delete note after reading.

Tuition Details

CAT NOTE: One Column with neutral background color, but can be adjusted if needed. Just try to keep this section color consistent across the brand pages. FAQ section is for LTO-Expanded Launch with FAQs only. If you’re unsure, connect with SEO. Delete if LTO-Standard Launch. Delete note after reading.

Frequently Asked Questions

CAT NOTE: Reusable block. Heading and wording is standard and should not be changed. Heading is H2 and copy is regular sized. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: List the 6 FAQs noted in GC. Delete note after reading.

Explore our FAQ page to find answers to questions you may have about the online programs.

FAQ answer here.

CAT NOTE: If there will NOT be a main FAQ page, delete the button below. You might be able to switch the “FAQ Selection” to ‘Category’ to show all FAQs with the category related to this page. If we’re only displaying 6, keep “FAQ Selection” as ‘Custom.’ Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: Button wording is standard. Do not change. Delete note after reading.

Explore FAQs

CAT NOTE: One Column component with “White” background color. Adjust Sources and Disclaimers heading as necessary to fit partner’s nomenclature and the content provided (ex: plural vs singular). Delete note after reading.

Sources and Disclaimers (standard heading), H2 Header w/ h3 class

  1. Small sized ordered list, sources are hyperlinked to open in a new window.
  2. Small sized ordered list, sources are hyperlinked to open in a new window.
  3. Small sized ordered list, sources are hyperlinked to open in a new window.

CAT NOTE: Disclaimers on the site are small sized copy and italicized. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: Use variables in “Seo Title” and “Meta description” if you can. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: Tealium settings will inherit the default settings. No action needed aside from confirming. Program = N/A (will appear as brand tealium); Page = N/A (will appear as content); Site = N/A (will appear as Admissions). Delete note after reading.