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tUX Microsite Certificate Overview 08.2024

CAT NOTE: Template will be published for site review. Once site review is completed (usually during the “Vet Issues” task), please unpublish templates. If there are DEV tickets using this template as an example, please provide the public preview links. Remove RB from templates after unpublishing the templates.

CAT NOTE: Update component colors based on notes and best judgement. Create consistency across the site when possible (ex: Quote block). Design will provide recommendations during their review, if needed. Remove RB from templates after updating (usually during “Template Setup” task before upload).

CAT NOTE: Check if the “Normalize Heading Sizes” Feature Flag is turned on in the theme settings for the template site. DO NOT ADJUST THE TOGGLE SETTINGS (FOR DEV ONLY). If your site does not have this turned on, update headers to include classes as needed. Remove RB from templates after updating (usually during “Template Setup” task before upload).

CAT NOTE: This template should be used for any new or existing tUX sites, unless the partner uses custom templates per CH. Confirm no updates are needed to this template by comparing against the template site before cloning. [If this page isn’t in the sitemap of the Matrix for, delete the page during “Template Setup”. If this page is needed, remove this underlined portion of the note]. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTES (Right Rail):

CAT NOTE: Hero B component. Focus image and add overlay, as needed. Delete note after reading.

Image Placeholder

H2 Header w/ u-f800 class [Hero 2]

CAT NOTE: Standard fast facts should follow order of all 4 facts outlined below. Make adjustments to the icon(s), as necessary. “Small grid size” toggled on. Delete note after reading.



Credit Hours

Cost Per Credit

Request More Information

CAT Note: Reusable block copy might need small adjustments to align with partner guidelines/style. Please refer to GC. If the RFI copy is completely rewritten loop in Allyson Priano. If no content is included, leave content below as is. Delete note about reading/applying change, if necessary.

CAT Note: If working on an international partner, RFI heading might need to be adjusted to sentence case. Confirm with Brand that this is the case before adjusting. Heading is a H2 w/ h3 class. Delete note about reading/applying change, if necessary.

Complete this form to receive information about coursework, admissions, tuition, and more.

CAT NOTE: Two Column component with a 65/35 layout and “[neutral]” background color. Column layout can be adjusted, if needed, to fit content better. Delete note after reading.

Elevator Pitch (flexible heading), H2 Header

Content uses the default font size.

Certificate Details (standard heading), H2 Header

Request Info

CAT NOTE: Two Column component with a 35/65 layout and “White” background color. DO NOT adjusted to 50/50 due to issues created for left column facts. Delete note after reading.

Curriculum (flexible heading), H2 Header

CAT NOTE: First icon fact is standard and should not change. Second fact is flexible. Toggle on “Small grid size.” Delete note after reading.

## Courses

Flexible Fact

Content uses the default font size.

Required [Certificate Name] Courses (flexible heading), H3 Header

CAT NOTE: Component block already has settings applied (courses; manual; accordion; H4). CAT will only need to click the “Select Posts” button and select the courses to be listed. You’ll have to search by the course name instead of the course number. Each new course you select will be added to the bottom of the list. If you need to rearrange the course order, you may do so in the “Manage current selection” section. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: Two Columns Media component with media on the right and “White” background color. Delete note after reading.

Image Placeholder

Careers (flexible heading), H2 Header

Content uses the default font size.

CAT NOTE: One Column component with a “[bold]” background. Delete note after reading.

Career/Industry Cards (flexible heading), H3 Header

CAT NOTE: There should only be 2 cards. Row alignment is using “Stretch.” Delete note after reading.

Job Title/Industry Stat ## per year#

Job Title/Industry Stat ## per year#

CAT NOTE: Two Column component with a 50/50 layout and “White” background color. Column layout can be adjusted, if needed, to fit content better. Delete note after reading.

Value of a Certificate (standard heading), H2 Header

Content uses the default font size.

Certificate Outcomes (flexible heading), H3 Header

Badge Placeholder

“[Optional] quote & image. Must include quotation marks. Try to make quote background colors consistent across site, if possible. Remove block if component is not used.”

– Person, Program, Class of ####–upload this content as sentence case

CAT NOTE: Two Column component with a 65/35 layout. Column layout can be adjusted, if needed, to fit content better. “White” background color in the left column and a “[neutral]” background color in the right column. Delete note after reading.

Admissions (flexible heading), H2 Header

CAT NOTE: Icon facts are standard and should not change. Use “Small grid size” toggle if this column is changed to 35 width. Delete note after reading.

Application Deadline MM/DD/YY Semester QX YYYYY

Start Date MM/DD/YY Semester QX YYYYY

Content uses the default font size.

CAT NOTE: Parts or all of the “Admissions” section may or may not be reusable. Create RBs when possible. If the content is different from a RB due to specific program needs, break the existing RB and update as necessary. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: During new site setup, regular sized table below should be updated to reflect the correct left column information for this partner to ensure site consistency. You may also include any reusable copy that may appear on all programmatic admissions table (Ex: Online Application Form right column). If the table is the same for most programs, it can turn it into a RB (can even have multiple RBs if needed–ex: graduate programs and undergrad programs admission tables). If possible, turn into a RB. Delete note from templates after updating (usually during “Template Setup” task before upload).

CAT NOTE: During new site setup, it should be determined if the right column will use periods or not for site consistency. Update this note in the template to reflect the decision. Delete note after reading.

Online Application FormApply Now
Degree and Minimum GPAContent uses the default font size
TranscriptsContent uses the default font size
Transfer CreditsContent uses the default font size
[Optional] Official [Test] Score(s)Content uses the default font size
[Optional] Additional RequirementsContent uses the default font size
  • List uses the default font size

CAT NOTE: Secondary button above is standard and links to the Brand admission hub page.

Tuition (flexible heading), H2 Header w/ h3 class

CAT NOTE: Icon facts are standard and should not change. Use “Small grid size” toggle if this column is changed to 35 width. Delete note after reading.

$## Cost per Credit

# Total Credits

Content uses the default font size.

CAT NOTE: Parts or all of the “Tuition” section may or may not be reusable. Create RBs when possible. If the content is different from a RB due to specific program needs, break the existing RB and update as necessary. Delete note after reading.

Tuition & Aid

CAT NOTE: Secondary button above is standard and links to the Brand tuition page.

CAT NOTE: [Only for strategies including FAQs such as Traditional or LTO-Expanded–otherwise, exclude] Two Column component with a 35/65 layout and a “[neutral]” background color that can be adjusted, if needed. Just try to keep this section color consistent across the programmatic pages. Delete note after reading.

Frequently Asked Questions

CAT Note: Reusable block. Header & wording is standard and should not be changed. Heading is H2 and copy is regular sized. Delete note after reading.

Explore our frequently asked questions for in-depth answers. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, reach out to us.

CAT NOTE: List the standard 6 FAQs from the demo site, unless otherwise noted. If there will NOT be a main FAQ page, switch “FAQ Selection” from ‘Program’ to ‘Custom’ so the automatic button will be excluded. Delete note after reading.

FAQ answer here.

Visit our FAQ page

CAT NOTE: One Column component with “White” background color. Adjust Sources and Disclaimers heading as necessary to fit partner’s nomenclature and the content provided (ex: plural vs singular). Delete note after reading.

Sources and Disclaimers (standard heading), H2 Header w/ h3 class

  1. Small sized ordered list, source is hyperlinked.
  2. Small sized ordered list, source is hyperlinked.
  3. Small sized ordered list, source is hyperlinked.

CAT NOTE: Disclaimers on the site are small sized copy and italicized. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: Use variables in “Seo Title” and “Meta description” if you can. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: In the “Tealium Settings” section, update the ‘Associated Program’ dropdown. The program MUST be appearing in the RFI in order to appear in the list. If it does not appear, try re-clicking the ‘Program API’ button in “Settings” and refreshing this page. ‘Page Type’ and ‘Site Section’ can be left blank. They should default to ‘Page Type = Program’ and ‘Site Section = Online Programs.’ Confirm this is functioning correctly on the frontend. Delete note after reading.